This page might not be up-to-date for Kiwiburn 2025. Check back soon, or contact us in the meantime.

Theme Camp Setup Guide



If you are planning to build a Theme Camp and don’t register your intention, we cannot guarantee that space will be available for you to build your camp.


Kiwiburn has no main stage, though there will be camps where people and music groups perform. If you’re planning on bringing a structure from which people may fall more than one metre, you’ll need to alert the H&S team, plan and build it well and a building inspector will evaluate the build at the start of the event.


Large structures need to be secured properly with ropes, rebar, and commonsense. All designs are strongly advised to include safety provisions. Note that strong winds are common in the area.


Are you bringing a generator to Kiwiburn? If you do choose to bring a generator, please be considerate of others by following these guidelines:

  • Bring the quietest generator you can afford, and the smallest that will meet your actual needs. Larger generators are more difficult to transport, use more fuel and create more pollution.
  • Don’t run your generator late at night or early in the morning.
  • Place the generator as far from other camps as possible.
  • Cover your generator with a sound shield or baffle. Do NOT bury it to shield the noise. No matter how well it is filled afterwards, the hole leaves a tremendous gouge in the ground.
  • Make sure people can’t trip over any power cords.

We encourage you to share generators between theme camps wherever possible. If you do intend to share a generator with other theme camps, please note this in your registration, or email the Theme Camp team via the Contact Us page as soon as possible so that our Town Planners can make sure that your request for close placement is able to be accommodated.

Early Entry

Only pre-authorised Theme Camp participants are allowed early entry for a set up crew to the site to complete the set up of their shiny new camp, before the event begins.

You’ll need to outline your early entry request and reasons in your Theme Camp Registration and your Theme Camp Coordinators will be in touch to discuss. You must keep the set up crew numbers to a minimum.

To apply for Early Entry you must first complete the registration process. Early Entry will be confirmed in early November.

You will only be allowed to enter onsite before gates open if you have a named email, from a Theme Camp Coordinator, clearly stating your Early Entry allocation. You will only be allowed to enter on or after the date stated in that email, if you arrive early you will be unable to gain access.



Black Sheep Rangers, Health and Safety, and a professional First Aid crew assist the Kiwiburn community in keeping the event safe, and you can make your camp more safe, secure, and self-reliant if you choose to.

Consider the safety of all who are in and may attend your camp. Small things like tripping hazards can really spoil someone’s experience. Your Theme Camp should be a safe environment for all who enter.


Keep a well-stocked first aid kit in camp, and remember that there is a medical station located next to Site Office should you require medical attention. If possible, have at least one member of your camp certified in first aid and CPR.


Keep a fire extinguisher in camp should a fire start or go out of control.

Sound Policy

We ask that all Camps or Individuals that produce any sound (Music or explosions) familiarise themselves with the Sound Policy.  The 2022 Sound Policy will be updated late 2021 specific to our Council Approved Noise plan.

Alcohol and water

Alcohol and water must mix i.e. if your Camp intends gifting alcohol to participants you must follow the Responsible Host guidelines and offer low or non-alcoholic beverage alternatives – plus dancing is thirsty work and guests need to stay hydrated! So the easiest option is water – and lots of it – being made available to your guests. Our rule is simple – no water available = no alcohol to be served.

To help theme camps cut down on plastic waste and allow for more packing-space, we suggest organising an IBC that can be filled on site.

We encourage all theme camps to reduce their waste as much as possible. Last event was a huge success with multiple Theme Camps bringing IBCs and having them filled onsite. Please organise this amongst yourselves and inform the Site Office and Theme Camp Coordinator if you plan to bring an IBC, along with the expected arrival of the water tanker.


Theme Camps must register all fire and flame related art or braziers with Fire Arts Safety Team (FAST) through the Kiwiburn on Fire form. Before arriving onsite you will be required to have completed the required health and safety documents, provided photos of the proposed fire art / brazier. When onsite, and prior to lighting up, you will need to be approved by a member of FAST.

Please note that the ability to have open fires/fire art operating on the Paddock is subject to change at any time due to fire restrictions.


At Kiwiburn, the site is not quite large enough to make a bike compulsory for getting around, but feel free to bring one and decorate it as you feel. Keep in mind that bikes will need to be well equipped with blinkies or other visible lights if they are going to be used after dark to avoid accidents.



Leave No Trace! Please be aware that there will be NO RUBBISH BINS ON THE SITE! Everything that your camp brings, your camp must take away. Everything that visitors deposit in your camp, your camp must take away (for this reason please consider carefully as to how and where you deal with your rubbish and waste).

We have found that the amount of Matter Out Of Place (MOOP) on the ground is directly proportional to length of stay. Densely settled areas can leave a greater trace. MOOP includes many smaller items, such as nut shells, bottle caps, cigarette butts, plastic ties – the list goes on and on. It is easy to ignore such items on so small a scale, but ALL of these things must be cleaned up.

All Theme Camps should employ a systematic grid to MOOP their site. Walk this grid before departing with your fellow campers and pick up EVERYTHING in your path. A second and more basic rule to follow is don’t let things hit the ground in the first place! This will save you time and effort at the end of the event.

All Theme Camps will be assessed at the end of the Event as to how well they have removed their MOOP from their site. If you leave a mess behind, you may not be permitted to register your Theme Camp again in the following year.

Your Commitment to Kiwiburn

(Memorandum Of Understanding)


The Theme Camp has read the Kiwiburn Leave No Trace Policy and specifically it will:

  1. Create a Leave No Trace Plan as part of Theme Camp organisation
  2. At the end of the event, remove all materials from the Theme Camp’s placement area or areas that were part of any event run by the Theme Camp, that were brought onto the Site by the Theme Camp or other attendees of the festival.
  3. At the end of the event, return the Theme Camp’s placement area to the same condition as the area was in before the event, to an extent that is reasonably practical.
  4. Promote the principle of Leave No Trace and the information provided in the Theme Camp – Leave No Trace Criteria to the members of the Theme Camp.
  5. The Theme Camp will ensure that all Theme Camp members, sub-contractors or agents of the Theme Camp have vacated, and all Theme Camp infrastructure and materials have been removed from the Event site by 12:00 Tuesday , unless otherwise agreed by the Event Manager.


  1. The Theme Camp will prepare a Health and Safety Plan and Risk Register) that covers all activities the Theme Camp will undertake at the Event (including but not limited to the construction of temporary structures, performances, use of electrical equipment, activities involving fire or flames and the use of vehicles).
  2. The Theme Camp must ensure the safe construction, installation and monitoring, and removal of any infrastructure brought onto the Event site by the Theme Camp during the Event.
  3. The Theme Camp must ensure the safe conduct and monitoring of any performance provided by the Theme Camp during the Event.
  4. The Theme Camp will ensure that every Theme Camp member, sub-contractor or agent of the Theme Camp, acts in accordance with:
  • All health and safety legislation that are relevant and applicable to the Theme Camps activities;
  • All reasonable directions given by on-site representatives appointed by the Event relating to policies and procedures that apply to the Event and the Event site including but not limited to the Event Risk Management Plan, health and safety (WHS) policies, site rules and evacuation procedures; and
  • Any applicable safety program including Fire Safety Management regulations and safe work method statements.

5. A representative of the Theme Camp must partake in a site check-in upon arrival to the Event and prior to initiating set up of any infrastructure related to the Theme Camp.

6. The Theme Camp must immediately inform the Event or appointed representative (including but not limited to Fire Art Safety Team (FAST), Rangers, and the Ministry of Public Works) of any hazards, incidents or accidents it becomes aware of at the Event site and the Theme Camp will provide the Event with such assistance as may be necessary to conduct any incident or accident investigation.


  1. The Theme Camp agrees to adhere to all restrictions, notices and requirements as detailed in the Sound Policy document. This will include but not limited to days, times, sound levels, and places of operation. Please be aware that the Kiwiburn event must seek approval annually from the local authority for Noise Management and any non adherence to the approval is monitored by an external consultant during the event for Council review.
  2. The gifting of alcohol to event participants by the Theme Camp will be conducted in strict accordance with The Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.  The Theme Camp will be Responsible Hosts and agree to the following set of strategies to help create a safer drinking environment or will not serve alcohol at all:
  • Not supply alcohol to anyone under the age of 18;
  • Recognise the signs of impending intoxication and, not serve anyone who shows these signs or anyone who arrives already intoxicated;
  • Understand the principles of ‘standard drinks’ and drink drive levels
  • Discourage patrons from actions that can harm themselves or others;
  • Supply drinking water whenever alcohol is being served; and
  • Understand the impact of alcohol misuse and abuse on our community.

More information about creating a responsible drinking environment can be found above under Alcohol and Water, and Tips for Hosts can be found online.

3. The Theme Camp will not engage in any activity using open flames without prior approval from the Fire Art Safety Team (FAST) and in accordance with any regulations set by FAST.

4. The Theme Camp will not engage in the use of a Mutant Vehicle without prior approval from the Mutant Vehicle Team and in accordance with any regulations set by the Mutant Vehicle Team.


  1. The Theme Camp is solely responsible for the safe operation and safekeeping of their own plant, equipment, and any other items brought to the event. Kiwiburn has no liability for any loss or damage to any plant, equipment, or any other items brought on site by the Theme Camp or its members.
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