Burnable Art Roles

Jun 3, 2024

You love Burns right? And you definitely love seeing things burn too right? We do too!

Well then, how would you like to be a part of the beautiful crew who makes the Effigy and Temple burns happen? Sounds awesome right? If so, then we have two open roles that’d suit you!

Firstly, we have the Burnable Art Liaison. This role is responsible for administering the selection process, and supporting Temple and Effigy leads through the Burnable Art process, working to enable Kiwiburn to have well planned and built burnable art on site. Interested in reading more? Go here for more info and then apply here!

Next up we have the Burnable Art Build Coordinator. This role is responsible for supporting the year round processes involved in our Effigy and Temple artworks!! The role involves supporting the burnable art liaison in administration of applications to build Temple and Effigy, ensuring the selection process is completed effectively and that the selected works are achievable on the paddock. Interested in this role? Go here for more info and then apply here!

This is your chance to help us have amazing Effigy and Temple burns on the Paddock, so hop to it and apply now!


Image Credit: John Williams

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