Kiwiburn is stepping up to take responsibility for the effect it’s having on the planet. This means reducing emissions wherever possible, but also taking ownership of (and removing) the emissions we can’t avoid… including those from past years. We want your input on...
Burning Man has taken a hiatus during Covid, but they are back in 2022, with many changes to the way things are run. Turnkey operations are disrupted, and coffee is no longer sold! Read all about it here. If you are hoping to head to BM2022, there is also a page for...
Burning Man is devoted to acts of gift giving. The value of a gift is unconditional. Gifting does not contemplate a return or an exchange for something of equal value. Image Credit: Guillermo Flores
Radical Inclusion, Diversity and Equity (R.I.D.E.) Stress Test Learn with fellow artists, builders, makers, and event and camp leads from around the world about how to bring our communities into conversations to illuminate potential blindspots and help create even...
“We achieve being through doing. Everyone is invited to work. Everyone is invited to play.” – excerpt from the Ninth Principle: Participation. Ever wonder how the Burn burns oh so brightly? How the flames leap higher and higher with each trip around the sun? How that...