Build It And They Will Come!

Build It And They Will Come!

Kiwiburn needs you! Effigy and Temple Structural Assessment Kiwiburn is on the hunt for a skilled human to help us up our game when it comes to assessing the safety of our large temporary structures on site. Kiwiburn is after someone with an eye for structural...

Temple of Spirals… in pictures and twisted words

We spiral, ‘tis the shape of our nature. We come from these twists and turns, gnashing at our tethers and clawing at our kennels, to seek our primal origin which outshines even these great fires. As we begin to spiral out of control the Temple is our tether for the...
Get to know your Effigy and Temple Leads

Get to know your Effigy and Temple Leads

Helping Hand by Nico Woodward, 2016   Kiwiburn is such a creative community! The designs for both the Effigy and the Temple have been chosen, the details of which will be revealed on the Paddock. Meanwhile, we’ve spoken to the visionaries behind these creations...

Effigy and Temple Announcement!

Time to get even more excited about Kiwiburn 2020 as the Temple and Effigy designs have been selected. Congratulations to both artists, and thank you to everyone who sent through their ideas. The Effigy is called ‘The Birthing Goddess’ and was submitted by Wellington...
Art, Theme Camps and Event Registrations

Art, Theme Camps and Event Registrations

Photo by Volker Huenert. Artwork by Andy Flint. The elements which make Kiwiburn a Burn are the amazing Art projects, the vibes and tunes coming from Theme Camps and the multitude of hosted events! What would the Paddock be without wondrous light installations,...
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