Changes in ExCom – A Note from the Acting Chair

Brace yourselves, it’s a long one,  Lots of changes are afoot within Kiwiburn as we farewell four members of ExCom.   Carvy, Safety Facilitator, retired from ExCom in March after stepping into the breach last year, contributing significant time and expertise to...

A Penny for your Website Thoughts

Okay, we lied. There are no pennies here. But we would love your thoughts! Some students from Victoria University of Wellington are completing a Masters project on the User Experience of the Kiwiburn website, and would love your help with their assignment....
Introducing Jo – New Communications Team member

Introducing Jo – New Communications Team member

Tell us a little about yourself My name is Jo Legutko, I just moved to Wellington from South Africa (SA). I have never been to Kiwiburn (!) but I have done six AfrikaBurns – running various Theme Camps and helping build a couple of Mutant Vehicles.  Firstly,...
Introducing Tris – Another new Communications Team member

Introducing Tris – Another new Communications Team member

Tell us a little about yourself. My name is Tristan Cordelia (she/her pronouns), known as Tris. I’m a musician and historian from Wellington, and have been to three Kiwiburns, most recently as part of the Museum of Inconvenient Teapots Theme Camp. Firstly, what does...
Meanwhile, Something Burned In Africa…

Meanwhile, Something Burned In Africa…

AfrikaBurn, like many international Burns, was a victim of Covid-19 this year… though like a digital Phoenix rising from the ashes, AfrikaBurners were not to be kept down: Enter HomeBurn, the virtual incarnation of AfrikaBurn 2020. The event was hosted online on the...
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