25 to Thrive

25 to Thrive

The Burning Man Regional Network fosters year-round engagement with Burning Man culture through over 100 locally organised official Regional Events each year. Since its founding 25 years ago, the Regional Network has grown from three annual events (in Texas,...
Burning Man Podcast Shoutout

Burning Man Podcast Shoutout

Each year, Black Rock City is temporarily home to 80,000 people and a whopping 1,600 Theme Camps. The Placement Team, a dedicated year-round team, coordinates 9 out of 10 Burners’ space on the Playa by deciding which camps go where, and why. Engage and excite your...
Burning Man Theme 2024 Announcement!

Burning Man Theme 2024 Announcement!

Omg, the BM 24 theme has just dropped and no cap, it is lit, fam. We are SO here for this. (Did this get the attention of you young people?) The Official Theme for BURNING MAN 2024 is Curiouser and Curiouser.  In their own words, ‘The 2024 Burning Man theme celebrates...
Giga-Pan is Giga-Great!

Giga-Pan is Giga-Great!

Stitched together from over 600 aerial photos, the immense, 1.6 gigapixel picture of Burning Man: Animalia is up on the interwebs! Taken on August 31st, just before the initial deluge. See if you can spot your favourite Theme Camps, or perhaps your missing bicycle is...
Burning Man 2023 Update

Burning Man 2023 Update

Yes, we’re covering BM2023. Of course, it’s no surprise that Burning Man, yet again, has followed Kiwiburn’s lead and made 2023 the year for a “mud-burn”. The pictures coming from the Playa are reminiscent of our paddock Swamp-Stomp. Although, any of you with an...
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