Paddock Radio is Streaming Now!

Wanna listen to some cool Kiwi made tunes, maybe even your own sure-to-win a Grammy masterpiece? The folk(s) at Paddock Radio are streaming music live, and they are happy to showcase your own diddies to an increasing audience. The first successful stream was on Monday...

Burning Man news

  Leadership Summit The sixth annual European Leadership Summit was held last week in Denmark. Read about it here. Tickets to TTITD The Main Sale didn’t go so smoothly last week and a lot of you missed out on tickets. Burning Man says: “Due to technical issues,...

Burning Man needs YOU!

Recently we reported on the permit issues that Burning Man is having, which have been further complicated by unreasonable requests made by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) which are putting the future of Burning Man into serious jeopardy. Some of the requests would...

Decommodification vs Burning Man art on a runway

An internationally renowned fashion designer and veteran Burner decides to make Burning Man the focal point of his newest collection debuting during Paris Fashion Week, and Burning Man was not impressed. Where is the line between fashion, commerce and preserving the...

Permit tribulations for Burning Man 2019

It seems that having difficulty obtaining consent and permits from authorities is a universal problem for Burner events, and the original is not exempt. Burning Man details its difficulties to align with recommendations (372 page document and 11 technical reports) by...
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