Guiding Principles: Leave No Trace and Decommodification
As a part of our ongoing ‘Guiding Principles’ series, this week we’re covering Leave No Trace (cunningly shortened to LNT) and Decommodification. There are about a billion things to love about Kiwiburn. But one of our favourites is its (excuse the...
Seeking: Cultural Safety Co-Lead
The Community team are searching for a Co-Lead for this exciting new role – a role that will make a significant difference in the experience of the participants at Kiwiburn. The ideal Cultural Safety Co-Lead is someone who is committed to making the Paddock a...
EFP Summit Update
On 15 October, the conch was blown, the beacons were lit and the bat signal shone into Auckland’s trademark low-hanging cloud cover. From all over the country, the monkeys who bring you the EFP, manage Facebook and the website (among other things) were unshackled from...