Hippy Holidays
Hey Burner fam! This summer might not have brought the present we all so dearly wanted, though we hope that in true Burner spirit you’re finding ways to bring the Burn into your lives however you can. Maybe that means building mini-Burns together and otherwise just...
Introductory Burning Man Workshop
Radical Inclusion, Diversity and Equity (R.I.D.E.) Stress Test Learn with fellow artists, builders, makers, and event and camp leads from around the world about how to bring our communities into conversations to illuminate potential blindspots and help create even...
Online Chat with ExCom – Tonight!
Hey fam, don’t forget that Kiwiburn’s ExCom are hosting an online meeting tonight at 7:30 pm where you can ask whatever you want to ask about the Burn’s cancellation, refunds, and plans for replacement mini-Burns. The link for this meeting is:...