May You Live In Interesting Times

May You Live In Interesting Times

Blessing or curse, the times we live in are nothing if not interesting! The conversation about race, inclusivity and diversity has been intense in the past days in all areas of our lives, and that includes at Kiwiburn. Our Facebook page has been a place for vibrant...
Who’s the Boss?

Who’s the Boss?

Well, at the moment, it’s Andy Justice, who has kindly and ably filled the position of Acting Chair since last November (you’re a star, Andy!). However, now that Kiwiburn 2021 is a reality and the work of creating that magical thing in the Paddock is truly underway,...
Safety Facilitator Needed

Safety Facilitator Needed

Kiwiburn can only happen because a dedicated team of volunteers spend part of their Burn helping us all to avoid impaling ourselves on stray tent pegs, or suffering harm should the Effigy unexpectedly set fire to precariously stacked bales of hay… and these volunteers...
Services Facilitator Needed

Services Facilitator Needed

The Services Facilitator is Kiwiburn’s coordinator extraordinaire. They work with each of the Team Leads for our Depot, Gate, Greeters, Ticketing, and Town Hall departments, while also ensuring these teams combine into a functioning whole. It is essentially a project...
Civic Responsibility and Radical Self-Expression

Civic Responsibility and Radical Self-Expression

The Ten Guiding Principles that started at Burning Man have been adopted by every regional Burn, including Kiwiburn. While some of these principles may be more exciting than others, they are all important, and they also function in balance with each other. In...
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