More impressions of Burning Man emerge
The dust has settled and the Playa has returned to be a desolate, barren landscape. All that remains are memories –here are a few more links to indulge in all things Burning Man 2019: An interesting account of a first time Burner who has entered from one strange world...
Bringing a Theme Camp?
Photo by Kasai Photography Registrations for Theme Camps are now open! Read about Theme Camps to find out what you need to know and do in order to register yours. There is some important information to be aware of which you can find here. Bringing a Sound Camp?...Hostest with the Mostest
Create an event and host it at Kiwiburn Have you ever dreamt of teaching others how to throat sing? Or holding a workshop on making mermaid costumes? Kiwiburn can be the blank canvas to your creative idea. Got a cool idea? Bring it to the Paddock, whether as part of...