Tinkledrum update

Tinkledrum update

The Tinkle Drum is taking shape! This project follows the legacy of The Giant Weta which earned Black Rock City Honoraria project in 2016. Now we are building a human-powered musical instrument! The first, smaller(!) prototype build is well underway in preparation for...
European Burners Activate to Support Ukraine

European Burners Activate to Support Ukraine

Kirsten Weisenburger writes: “It comes as no surprise that Burners have rolled up their sleeves to apply hard-won skills such as logistics, community organizing, and (yes) spreadsheeting to support Ukrainians in need. We had the opportunity to speak with five...
Meet Tinkle Drum!

Meet Tinkle Drum!

In case you’re wondering what Kiwiburn ExCom is up to while we wait for KB2023 preparations to swing into action, meet our new adoptive child: Tinkle Drum. Tinkle Drum is the brainchild of Bibi and Josh, two Kiwi artists living in Amsterdam. They are creating a human...
Paddock Radio Fundraiser

Paddock Radio Fundraiser

Paddock Radio, official radio broadcaster of Kiwiburn and staple of Burner and community events New Zealand over, is planning a light fundraiser afternoon concert on  7 February as a test for the new Paddock Radio touring truck setup, with performances by some local...
Art Grants Open

Art Grants Open

Aaaaand….. We are off! The money is on the table! Dance, my pretties, dance! You are formally invited to apply for Cold Hard Cash to fund your Crazy Arty Fun Dream. Who would say no? Storm your brain, make some sketches, fill in the form, and wait to see if the Money...
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