We know that y’all are burning (ha, see what we did there?) to hear about when STEP opens and how you can get your hands on tickets that others no longer need. STEP will open on Saturday 5 October at 10am. Secure Ticket Exchange Program (STEP) is a system...
Time to get even more excited about Kiwiburn 2020 as the Temple and Effigy designs have been selected. Congratulations to both artists, and thank you to everyone who sent through their ideas. The Effigy is called ‘The Birthing Goddess’ and was submitted by Wellington...
Dedicated and energetic Volunteers interested in leadership wanted! Kiwiburn is looking for a number of Executive Committee (ExCom) members. Do you have what it takes for a year-round commitment? Would you like to be on the forefront of shaping the event? Are you able...
Got your ticket? Well, thats spiffy, ‘cos now its time to choose how you can make your Burn that much more special by volunteering. There are loads of options, from year round roles to on site, to general helpers, to specific, more skilled positions. Have a look...
Photo by Volker Huenert. Artwork by Andy Flint. The elements which make Kiwiburn a Burn are the amazing Art projects, the vibes and tunes coming from Theme Camps and the multitude of hosted events! What would the Paddock be without wondrous light installations,...