Get to know your Effigy and Temple Leads

Get to know your Effigy and Temple Leads

Helping Hand by Nico Woodward, 2016   Kiwiburn is such a creative community! The designs for both the Effigy and the Temple have been chosen, the details of which will be revealed on the Paddock. Meanwhile, we’ve spoken to the visionaries behind these creations...

Regional Round Up

A round up on Many of the Things not happening on our shores and some that are. Remember, if you have news you want to add to this tasty mailer flick us a line: The environment and Burning Man – consider your impact is a series of blog posts on...

STEP Opens 5 October

We know that y’all are burning (ha, see what we did there?) to hear about when STEP opens and how you can get your hands on tickets that others no longer need. STEP will open on Saturday 5 October at 10am. Secure Ticket Exchange Program (STEP) is a system...

Effigy and Temple Announcement!

Time to get even more excited about Kiwiburn 2020 as the Temple and Effigy designs have been selected. Congratulations to both artists, and thank you to everyone who sent through their ideas. The Effigy is called ‘The Birthing Goddess’ and was submitted by Wellington...
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