National Volunteer Week

‘Whiria te tangata – weaving the people together’ The theme of National Volunteer Week which started on 16 June. Kiwiburn is 100% volunteer run and there are many different ways to get involved – ranging from a one off shift with Greeters, to facilitating a team as...
Kiwiburn farewells veteran volunteer and Operations Lead, Poppy

Kiwiburn farewells veteran volunteer and Operations Lead, Poppy

Like a lot of our key volunteers, Poppy likes to avoid the limelight, however, having been such an integral part of Kiwiburn over the years, we couldn’t let her leave without saying a few words. Poppy has been a custodian of the event from its early days at Whakamaru...

Do you even Electric Fencepost bro?

Kiwiburn would like your feedback to make sure your pluckly little weekly newsletter is working for you, so please take five minutes to fill in the survey with as much detail as you can. It was emailed to all EFP subscribers last week, so help us volunteers out and go...
More insights into Rangering

More insights into Rangering

Some of the AfrikaBurn Ranger team   Have you been following Pete Lumos Wyatt’s KB-log series on Rangering? Lumos is an experienced Ranger at Kiwiburn and recently ventured back to Blazing Swan and onto AfrikaBurn. Parts three and four are now online. Do...

Conduct Committee dealing with incidents

A recent post in our facebook Group sparked a robust discussion around dealing with community members exhibiting behaviours which breach our Conditions of Entry.  It is important to understand: Incidents can be reported on site to Rangers or the Site Manager when they...
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