Call for Posters

Call for Posters

Now that Kiwiburn 2022 has a theme, we need You (yeah, that’s right, reader, You!) to come up with a brilliant and daring poster to proclaim this Burn to the world! You get to decide what you reckon a time-travelling Burn looks like, and how best to tell the people...
New ticketing method – feedback needed!

New ticketing method – feedback needed!

As mentioned in the last newsletter, Kiwiburn 2022 tickets will be attached to dogs’ collars and distributed via a secret nation-wide treasure hunt! In the unlikely event that you have some small improvements to propose to this process, or that you want to give us...
ExCom meeting minutes available to read 

ExCom meeting minutes available to read 

So what does ExCom get up to every month anyway? Is it mostly an exchange of jolly good guffaws and thigh slapping, or are they all lizards who hide their third eyelids by blinking real fast? If you care to find out what is said at the monthly meetings which every...
Kiwiburn – A Biophilic Festival

Kiwiburn – A Biophilic Festival

Kiwiburner Jax, who – as those of you who follow the Kiwiburn Facebook group will know – has been doing some anthropological work on Burner culture, recently won the postgraduate essay competition run by the academic journal Sites. Her article Kiwiburn...
Changes to the Ticketing Process – Looking for your input

Changes to the Ticketing Process – Looking for your input

Well, wasn’t Kiwiburn 2021 a hot little event to get a ticket for with so many people vying for them in the general sale. Having all tickets in baskets within 10 seconds certainly exceeded everyone’s wildest expectations.  In fact, it was a little too wild, so...
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