Kiwiburn General Ticket Sale 3 October

Kiwiburn General Ticket Sale 3 October

Kiwiburn 2021 is now sold out! You’ve been waiting patiently, and finally the time is here. Kiwiburn 2021 General Ticket sale is on this Saturday 3 October at 10am! Make sure you have a registered Burner Profile before Saturday, even if you’ve registered for previous...
Temple Announcement: OBSCURA

Temple Announcement: OBSCURA

In the wild sea of uncertainty, change, Covid, lockdown and 2020 madness, we have found our quiet inner core: OBSCURA, the Kiwiburn 2021 Temple. Gratitude and love to Gregg, long-time Kiwiburn artist and contributor, for stepping up and leading the build this time....
Covid Refund Policy and FAQ’s

Covid Refund Policy and FAQ’s

With tickets on sale as of 3 October, you might be wondering what happens in these uncertain times of Covid. While we are gearing up for an event that resembles normality (as much as Kiwiburn ever does!), there are a few things to know: If any part of the country is...
A Post of Gratitude

A Post of Gratitude

Kiwiburn ExCom held its annual Summit last weekend, for the first time entirely online. In another change, not only did this include planning for the Kiwiburn 2021 event on day 1; day 2 was all about the future and where Kiwiburn wants to go when it grows up. This...
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