Burrowing Pufferfish Fundraiser

Who’s up for a PAAARTY? The Burrowing Pufferfish Theme Camp is throwing one epic weekend-long celebration to raise some much needed cash to help elevate their camp to the usual amazing experience that it is. It all starts on Friday 22 November and lasts until...

Bandits of Coco Mafia Support Fund

Imagine returning home from your local Burn, exhausted from having put all the hard graft in, and still buzzing from the amazing experience, only to find your home has been ransacked and burgled? Well, exactly that happened to Tanner Grove- Nty (Coco Poco Loco) Toni...
Art, Theme Camps and Event Registrations

Art, Theme Camps and Event Registrations

Photo by Volker Huenert. Artwork by Andy Flint. The elements which make Kiwiburn a Burn are the amazing Art projects, the vibes and tunes coming from Theme Camps and the multitude of hosted events! What would the Paddock be without wondrous light installations,...
Theme Camp News!

Theme Camp News!

Photo by Maxine Anderson Tickets: Check! Idea: Check! Getting Organised: In Progress! Theme Camp registrations are open, so get your thinking caps on and amaze fellow Burners with your creative and outrageous ideas for a Theme Camp. We can’t wait to see all the...
Bringing a Theme Camp?

Bringing a Theme Camp?

Photo by Kasai Photography   Registrations for Theme Camps are now open! Read about Theme Camps to find out what you need to know and do in order to register yours. There is some important information to be aware of which you can find here. Bringing a Sound Camp?...
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