We have a wonderful new Arts Facilitator! Please welcome Cherie to the team! She’s taken up the important role and will be responsible for facilitating all things Art! As always, we like to get new volunteers to introduce themselves in the EFP, so we asked her...
Meet Bex, ExCom Theme Camp Facilitator Tell us a little about yourself Firstly, what does the Theme Camp Facilitator role involve? The Theme Camp Facilitator role is brand new in the Kiwiburn structure, recently split from the Arts Facilitator role! My team includes...
We need a bunch of 2iC’s! Harness your hidden talents and unleash the superpowers within you. Click on the roles below for the full job descriptions, and hit this handy-dandy little link to get your application in. These are all $exCom roles so you’ll get all the...
$excomm is in need of some $econds in command. The central hub of Kiwiburn is run by some selfless and tireless individuals, but even they can’t do it all! The following roles very much need filling so that we can make Kiwiburn24 the most well-oiled Paddock shenanigan...
Pssst… I heard there was a way to get a guaranteed ticket to Kiwiburn 2024: DECADANCE! It’s pretty simple really. Head here and check out the vollie roles, then submit your application here. Along with the $exCom roles mentioned previously, we’ve got some pretty...