Juicy Kiwiburn Volunteer Roles up for grabs
Volunteers still needed! Have a look on the website for all open opportunities. They include roles on ExCom (the executive committee of people helping making the event happen), year round options and on-Paddock openings, all of which are important and all of which...
Get to know your Effigy and Temple Leads
Helping Hand by Nico Woodward, 2016 Kiwiburn is such a creative community! The designs for both the Effigy and the Temple have been chosen, the details of which will be revealed on the Paddock. Meanwhile, we’ve spoken to the visionaries behind these creations...Any Go-Getters out there?
Dedicated and energetic Volunteers interested in leadership wanted! Kiwiburn is looking for a number of Executive Committee (ExCom) members. Do you have what it takes for a year-round commitment? Would you like to be on the forefront of shaping the event? Are you able...