Kiwiburn Cancellation FAQs

Dec 13, 2021

For a full list of Kiwiburn’s FAQs, see here. These are a few specific questions that participants have been sending us since the 2022 Burn was cancelled:

What is happening with refunds?

This is being worked out as we speak! We’ll let you know when the refunds policy is finalised. In the meantime, keep checking the website, the Kiwiburn Facebook page and group, and of course the Electric Fencepost weekly email (Sign up here if you are not already on the list). We are still finalising costs such as collating outstanding monies owed to artists for works intended for the Paddock and other running costs. We aim to make an announcement before Christmas. 

I bought tickets the day before the announcement. What will happen here?

This is also being worked out as we speak – we’ll let you know when the refunds policy is finalised.

Why was Kiwiburn 2022 cancelled?

This was not an easy decision and there were a number of factors that influenced this outcome:

  • Hunterville falls within the Whanganui DHB area, which at the time of the decision was in red under the new traffic light system. Various projections do not predict this DHB reaching the 90% double vaccine target before the middle/end of January. No event above 100 people can be held in a red zone as rules stand currently.
  • The local iwi Ngāti Hauiti expressed some concerns about Kiwiburn going ahead. The influx of 2300 people from all over the country poses an ethical question as it inevitably increases chances of exposure to the Hunterville area.
  • There is an enormous amount of time, energy and money that goes into preparations in the last two months for everyone, so it was felt that cancelling now rather than in 2-4 weeks was preferable. 
  • While recently announced government grants could be used to recover some event costs, Theme Camps would not have access to this and ExCom felt it was unfair to expect participants to keep spending at their own risk while organisational costs could be covered.
  • There have been significant issues sourcing portaloos due to shortages caused by high demand in the construction industry. 

Read more detail on the decision in our official cancellation announcement.

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