Meet Bex!

Jul 24, 2023

Meet Bex Hawley, ExCom Theme Camp Facilitator

Tell us a little about yourself

Firstly, what does the Theme Camp Facilitator role involve?

The Theme Camp Facilitator role is brand new in the Kiwiburn structure, recently split from the 

Arts Facilitator role! My team includes Theme Camps, Centre Camp, Events Registrations and 

Sound – rounding our everything needed to successfully run awesome Theme Camps and 

events at Kiwiburn! 

How do you spend your time when you are not doing things related to Kiwiburn? 

Outside of Kiwiburn you’ll find me spending quality time with good friends, nerding out over 

wine, cooking something cheesy, bothering my cat or watering one of my 25 house plants. 

Being involved with Kiwiburn can take a lot of energy. How do you re-energise? 

Time with my loved ones gives me energy! Usually it’s spent over a good meal, bottle of wine or 

Playstation game and snack selection. I also always make sure to give myself time for 

exercising and relaxing with a bit of Yin Yoga or a Sound Bath. 

Do you have a favourite burn outfit?

Oh, so many! You’ll find me at my happiest dancing in my full mirror bodysuit or wearing 

impressive LED clothing that my partner has made for me! 

What skills have you learned by being involved with Kiwiburn?

I’ve become a lot better at time management since joining KB as a Theme Camp Coordinator in 

2021, and gained a fascinating insight into how a lot of things work around here. There’s always

something new to learn and it’s a lot of fun in the process! 

What has been your favourite moment at a Burn?

This year my Theme Camp family hosted a naming ceremony on Weds night, after pack in. To 

have everyone there, safely, happily, FINALLY, choosing Paddock nicknames for each other 

and celebrating being together, was really special! Love you #HookahRoad!

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