Latest News

Are you looking for the latest gossip, straight off the Kiwiburn press? Well look no further! Keep reading for the latest info, or use the archive and search below to find the relevant info.

You can also check our Facebook Page and Facebook Group, which contain official information from the organisation and discussions with the community respectively (though of course all official information will be released here and in our Weekly Digest too).

And if you have some news you’d like to share with the community, just contact the News Team. 

Wristband Initiative a Success

Wristband Initiative a Success

We tried a new thing this year to address photography, consent and interaction with people taking pictures this year! We introduced bright yellow wristbands for punters to wear when they were happy to be photographed by our roaming team of Kiwiburn official...

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Photography at Kiwiburn 2024

Photography at Kiwiburn 2024

Speaking of photography, if you're curious on how it went this year, read on! Famous Tim, the Kiwiburn lead photographer, has written up a summary of how it went down: Kiwiburn 2024 photography was a whole lot easier in the dry this year. We kicked off at least a...

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Burning Man Podcast Shoutout

Burning Man Podcast Shoutout

Each year, Black Rock City is temporarily home to 80,000 people and a whopping 1,600 Theme Camps. The Placement Team, a dedicated year-round team, coordinates 9 out of 10 Burners’ space on the Playa by deciding which camps go where, and why. Engage and excite your...

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Reintegration Tips

Reintegration Tips

Now that the Burn is over, it’s time to get back into the default world. It’s reintegration time! Stink we know, but unfortunately there’s not enough Burns to just Burn all year round. Not yet anyway… It can be a jarring experience going from the Paddock to your...

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KB24 Stats

KB24 Stats

If you were on the Paddock this year, you may have felt the difference in the atmosphere - and not just because we didn’t have a Swamp Stomp repeat. The stats are in! This year there were a total of 1835 tickets sold with 1651 actually on site, meaning 89% of people...

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Lost & Found

Lost & Found

If you're feeling the post-burn blues and realised you left something behind or stumbled upon a lost treasure, fret not!  Head over to the Kiwiburn Lost Property Facebook Page – the go-to spot for reuniting lost items with their owners! How to Reconnect: Lost...

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Leftover Love Thanks

Leftover Love Thanks

We asked and y’all delivered! The Sustainability Team would like to say a ma-hoo-sive THANK YOU to our awesome KB family for all your donations to Leftover Love. Your willingness to give back to the local community saw a whopping 420 food donations and a grand total...

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Art Shark Update

Art Shark Update

We did the thing! Well done on the thing. KAC held Art Shark on Thursday (at the Burn) and if you weren’t there, you missed out. Our judges (KAC members) asked the hard questions, got some excellent answers, and definitely not enough bribes. KAC dolled out a total of...

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The Burn Awaits!

The Burn Awaits!

If you’re reading this, why aren’t you packing? Don’t forget that thing you were going to forget! Seriously though, we have several important announcements for you in this last minute issue. So read on, and then get back to packing. But before you scroll down, on...

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Gate Hours Reminder

Gate Hours Reminder

Heading to the Paddock? Then you should make sure you know when you can and can’t make it through the gates! Gate hours for Kiwiburn 2024 are: Wednesday 24 January  Express Lane: 8am - 9am*  General Public: 9am     Close: 10pm Thursday 25 January Open: 10am   Close:...

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