Latest News

Are you looking for the latest gossip, straight off the Kiwiburn press? Well look no further! Keep reading for the latest info, or use the archive and search below to find the relevant info.

You can also check our Facebook Page and Facebook Group, which contain official information from the organisation and discussions with the community respectively (though of course all official information will be released here and in our Weekly Digest too).

And if you have some news you’d like to share with the community, just contact the News Team. 

Ticketing Q&A

Ticketing Q&A

Do you want to attend Kiwiburn 2024? Confused about how to get a ticket? Unsure what the hell a STEP queue is? Wondering if you can just buy a ticket at the gate? If you’ve missed the previous info on Facebook or in the EFP, and your mate Greg/Shane/Hamish hasn’t told...

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Kiwiburn’s Carbon Commitment

Kiwiburn’s Carbon Commitment

Our ongoing mission at Kiwiburn is to create meaningful experiences, with minimal environmental impact on the Paddock, and the world in general. Embracing the 'leave no trace' Principle, we're on a mission to minimise our collective carbon footprint. Our carbon output...

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Survey Time

Survey Time

Our amazing Sustainability Team needs your input! They want to know what you put in your mouth on the Paddock - what are your preferences, where do you find your delicacies, what do you do with the unwanted bits? That’s right, they want to know all about what you eat...

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Definitely not another volunteer shoutout. 

Definitely not another volunteer shoutout. 

Hey you, the master of avoiding commitment! We've got an offer you (probably) can't refuse. Become the very-sung heroes of Kiwiburn 2024. Imagine reveling in the glory of volunteering, where your talents are rewarded with crisp hi-fives, eternal Paddock glory and...

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Burns from the past – 2008 Highlight

Burns from the past – 2008 Highlight

Carrying on with our Burns from the past articles, today we’re highlighting the Burn that took place in 2008. Why 2008? Well, there were a few people who shared pictures and memories from that year, so we had a fair amount to share with you all! So, what happened at...

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$exCom Minutes – September Edition

$exCom Minutes – September Edition

The minutes are out for the September $exCom meeting. As we get closer to KB24, there’s plenty of interesting and important discussion happening around ticketing, budget, the new Centre Stage, Arts, Services, Community, and more. Have a nosey and keep yourself...

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Kiwiburn 2024 Decadance Ticket Price Announcement

Kiwiburn 2024 Decadance Ticket Price Announcement

The much anticipated lottery will be drawn later today, but you might be keen to find out what a coveted ticket will cost? Well, $exCom has crunched some serious numbers and were superkeen to keep prices as low as possible. Given the cost overruns for Kiwiburn 2023...

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Lottery Goes Live Tomorrow!

Lottery Goes Live Tomorrow!

(Quick note: As previously stated, the lottery was due to be run today. Due to an unfortunate Quicket situation (involving weather and power outages - rain just loves to mess with Kiwiburn...) we will unfortunately need to delay the lottery until tomorrow. The lottery...

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Art Grants are Granted

Art Grants are Granted

Kiwiburn Art Committee (KAC) have been busy making coffee and meerkat-fuelled decisions (don’t ask - we don’t know either) and have allocated over $25,000 in funds for Paddock Art.  You know what this means?  There is going to be some hella epic Art for KB24 and we...

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Survey Lead & 2ic

Survey Lead & 2ic

You’ll never guess what we need… more volunteers! The Survey Team (the awesome peeps who take a map and turn it into Paddock reality) need a Lead and a 2iC. These roles lead and support the surveying team in marking out the Kiwiburn site including road networks,...

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