The Kiwiburn Conduct Committee (CC) are seeking new members! The CC helps to handle and resolve incidents and misconduct involving behaviour that breaches the Kiwiburn Code of Conduct. We strive to hold a balance between being compassionate, inclusive, and supportive...
Latest News
Are you looking for the latest gossip, straight off the Kiwiburn press? Well look no further! Keep reading for the latest info, or use the archive and search below to find the relevant info.
You can also check our Facebook Page and Facebook Group, which contain official information from the organisation and discussions with the community respectively (though of course all official information will be released here and in our Weekly Digest too).
And if you have some news you’d like to share with the community, just contact the News Team.
Lead Ranger Needed!
Howdy, Burners! The Black Sheep Rangers need an Operations Lead! Fancy yourself leading a band of intrepid rangers as they scour the horizons of the Paddock, helping those in need and resolving issues on the go? As the Head Honcho of Operations, your job is to...
$exCom $tuff
Google Groups: Over the past year or so, ExCom have been working hard exploring ways to bring back transparency and Kiwiburn community engagement. So now, without further ado, the $exCom Google Groups is available to join! Jump in, have a look around, share any...
Art and Event Submissions
If you’re hoping to take your amazing Art to the Paddock this year, don’t forget to register it on time! If your Art incorporates fire, unfortunately registrations are closed now. Final submission dates for other types of Art are: 15 Nov - last date to register if...
How BIG is Your Footprint?
Last week, we shared the unsurprising fact that our transport emissions to and from Kiwiburn are our biggest contributor to our carbon footprint, producing a whopping 149.5 tonnes of CO2. There are many factors that determine the size of your individual footprint -...
Planting Bee Update!
What’s the buzz around a planting bee? Our Infrastructure Facilitator, Floyd, has been facilitating some (plant) infrastructure on our beloved Paddock! In his own words… "During August MPW and some other community members gathered at the Kiwiburn site to plant trees....
Burns from the past – 2013 Highlight
Carrying on with our Burns from the past articles, it’s time to highlight another year. Thanks to our wonderful community, who provided us with a number of photos, we’re able to travel back in time So this time we’re checking out the Burn that occurred in 2013. (All...
Ticketing Q&A
Do you want to attend Kiwiburn 2024? Confused about how to get a ticket? Unsure what the hell a STEP queue is? Wondering if you can just buy a ticket at the gate? If you’ve missed the previous info on Facebook or in the EFP, and your mate Greg/Shane/Hamish hasn’t told...
Kiwiburn’s Carbon Commitment
Our ongoing mission at Kiwiburn is to create meaningful experiences, with minimal environmental impact on the Paddock, and the world in general. Embracing the 'leave no trace' Principle, we're on a mission to minimise our collective carbon footprint. Our carbon output...
Survey Time
Our amazing Sustainability Team needs your input! They want to know what you put in your mouth on the Paddock - what are your preferences, where do you find your delicacies, what do you do with the unwanted bits? That’s right, they want to know all about what you eat...