Latest News

Are you looking for the latest gossip, straight off the Kiwiburn press? Well look no further! Keep reading for the latest info, or use the archive and search below to find the relevant info.

You can also check our Facebook Page and Facebook Group, which contain official information from the organisation and discussions with the community respectively (though of course all official information will be released here and in our Weekly Digest too).

And if you have some news you’d like to share with the community, just contact the News Team. 

Social Media Wrangler Wanted

Social Media Wrangler Wanted

Look, we know you spend more time scrolling social media than you’d care to admit. We’re not here to judge - we’re all guilty of it at some point. We’re simply here to let you know that you could put your scrolling time to better use and become a Social Media Wrangler...

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Seeking: Cultural Safety Co-Lead

Seeking: Cultural Safety Co-Lead

The Community team are searching for a Co-Lead for this exciting new role - a role that will make a significant difference in the experience of the participants at Kiwiburn. The ideal Cultural Safety Co-Lead is someone who is committed to making the Paddock a space...

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Sanitation Needs You!

Sanitation Needs You!

Ever dreamed of being a badass, grime fighting superhero? Are you ready to be number one at number two? Sanitation needs volunteers to join their team for some next level sh*t. This highly sought after on-site role involves: Pimping out the toilets to keep people...

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Art Grant and Theme Camp Reserve Tickets

Art Grant and Theme Camp Reserve Tickets

If you were allocated a reserve ticket through an Art Grant or Theme Camp, check your inbox for your link to buy your ticket.  The deadline for purchasing these tickets has been extended until 15 December, at which point any unclaimed tickets will be put back into...

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Green Kiwi Meetings

Green Kiwi Meetings

Have you ever wondered what Kiwiburn is doing about its environmental impact and how you can best navigate the carbon-intensive Default World in which we are enmeshed? Do you ever wink roguishly at yourself in the mirror and think ‘damn, I am a carbon-reducing...

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EFP Summit Update

EFP Summit Update

On 15 October, the conch was blown, the beacons were lit and the bat signal shone into Auckland’s trademark low-hanging cloud cover. From all over the country, the monkeys who bring you the EFP, manage Facebook and the website (among other things) were unshackled from...

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Ticket Allocation Update

Ticket Allocation Update

Theme Camp and Art reserve submissions have now closed. Ticket allocations are coming soon - we were hoping for yesterday but it’s looking like this week instead. Once you receive your link, you will have until 30 November to purchase. Onsite volunteers: Submissions...

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MPW needs a 2IC!

MPW needs a 2IC!

In recruiting terms for Kiwiburn 23, we’ve hit the wall. The Effigy burns in seventy-four days and MPW doesn’t have a 2IC! For those of you that don’t know, Kiwiburn doesn’t just burst out of the ground on an annual basis. Nor is it erected by happy-go-lucky...

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Still Needed: Arts Facilitator

Still Needed: Arts Facilitator

We are still urgently seeking an experienced Burner with an Art interest/skillset to take over as the Arts Facilitator. This is a big job, but without it we can’t do the Burn - this is not a call to hand out a ticket (though it does come with one), this is a call to...

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Seeking: Greeters!

Seeking: Greeters!

Kia ora Kiwiburn whānau! He aha te mea nui o te ao He tangata, he tangata, he tangata What is the most important thing in the world? It is the people, it is the people, it is the people. The Greeters volunteer drive is officially underway! For Kiwiburn 23, Greeters...

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