Latest News

Are you looking for the latest gossip, straight off the Kiwiburn press? Well look no further! Keep reading for the latest info, or use the archive and search below to find the relevant info.

You can also check our Facebook Page and Facebook Group, which contain official information from the organisation and discussions with the community respectively (though of course all official information will be released here and in our Weekly Digest too).

And if you have some news you’d like to share with the community, just contact the News Team. 

The Depot

The Depot

The Depot is our community information centre. Buy a bag of ice; check for lost valuables; check the Paddock map; find out the latest news; bring us your gossip; sign up for a volunteer shift. Any questions? We might know the answer, or potentially make one up. Each...

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Site Update

Site Update

Check out this shitter with a social conscience and a view! The fabulous MPW crew are currently onsite getting everything sorted for our arrival in a couple of weeks, including getting the fancy new composting toilets up and ready. Here’s a sneak peek to get you...

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Guiding Principles Continued: Radical Inclusion

Guiding Principles Continued: Radical Inclusion

This one is pretty easy to grasp: “Anyone may be a part of (The Burn). We welcome and respect the stranger. No prerequisites exist for participation in our community.” Sweet as. There is no entrance exam or training camp to make it onto the Paddock. Seems pretty...

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Guiding Principles Continued: Gifting

Guiding Principles Continued: Gifting

In our next instalment of Guiding Principles, let’s talk Gifting. The official Kiwiburn description of the Gifting Principle is short and sweet: ‘Burning Man (and therefore Kiwiburn) is devoted to acts of gift giving. The value of a gift is unconditional. Gifting does...

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Consent is Sexy!

Consent is Sexy!

While Kiwiburn is a great place to let loose and radically express yourself, we also want to create a culture where everyone feels safe and respected. It’s very important for all of us to work together to create a consent-oriented culture on the Paddock. We want to...

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Event Guide deadline looming

Event Guide deadline looming

Want to teach other Kiwiburners how to properly peel and eat a banana? How to jump start a lawnmower? Indoctrinate others in how to appreciate tea/coffee/beverage of choice but, like, for real and not, like, how we think it should be done? Or are you keen to share...

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Let there be water

Let there be water

More info on water at Kiwiburn: The tanks and main water line are now in place. The distribution system on the Paddock is still to be installed during the event build period over the next couple of weeks. Water is a precious resource so a filling station for DRINKING...

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Alright Burner Fam, let’s talk transport

Alright Burner Fam, let’s talk transport

Carpooling is a cool thing to do. You can make friends, swap stories, and try new snacks. It’s kind on the wallet, and good for the planet. Play corners in the backseat, or discover who knows all the words to the Chicago soundtrack; anything is possible when you share...

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VOLUNTEER VACANCIES: Sustainability Sleuth

VOLUNTEER VACANCIES: Sustainability Sleuth

Calling all data aficionados! We’re recruiting a brand spanking new volunteering crew for Kiwiburn 2023 (note: spanking not required). Kiwiburn’s Sustainability Team is always trying to find ways to reduce our environmental impact. An important part of that mahi is...

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Kiwiburn AGM

Kiwiburn AGM

In the general spirit of better late than never, this year’s Annual General Meeting of Kiwiburn will be held TONIGHT at 8pm! Come along, ask your questions, contribute to this not-for-profit organisation in constructive ways and be part of the T.E.A.M.    This...

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