Latest News

Are you looking for the latest gossip, straight off the Kiwiburn press? Well look no further! Keep reading for the latest info, or use the archive and search below to find the relevant info.

You can also check our Facebook Page and Facebook Group, which contain official information from the organisation and discussions with the community respectively (though of course all official information will be released here and in our Weekly Digest too).

And if you have some news you’d like to share with the community, just contact the News Team. 

Still searching for a secretary

Still searching for a secretary

The exciting role of Secretary is still available! Yes, you read that right. We couldn’t believe it either! This role is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for an experienced Burner to step up and become an active member of ExCom - you’ll get to be part of vital...

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Guiding Principles: Civic Responsibility and Communal Effort

Guiding Principles: Civic Responsibility and Communal Effort

Kiwiburn is built on the Ten Principles of Burning Man; guidelines which were crafted to be a reflection of our community’s ethos and culture. As we gear up for Kiwiburn 2023 (less than two months to go!), we’re going to talk a little about each of the Guiding...

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MISSING: Arts Facilitator

MISSING: Arts Facilitator

We are still looking for a wonderful soul to take on the incredibly important role of Arts Facilitator. The Arts Department (and the entire Kiwiburn community) needs YOU! Art is such a fundamental part of our experience on the Paddock - think Theme Camps, Effigy,...

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It’s the final countdown! Dah-dadah-da-DAAAH!

It’s the final countdown! Dah-dadah-da-DAAAH!

Shhh. Can you hear that? It’s the slow hiss of the sands of time, trickling through the giant Hourglass of Fate,. And what’s that, Mr Hourglass? There’s only FIFTY DAYS until Kiwiburn 2023? Yippeeeeee!  That’s right, Burners. Each day from today marks another 2%...

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We’re not being dramatic, nor are we casting for Saving Private Ryan 2.  This is an official call for someone to join the amazing medic team for Kiwiburn23!  If you are a New Zealand registered medical professional or hold NZ recognised advanced first aid...

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Arts & Events Reminder

Arts & Events Reminder

For those of you who are bringing some lovely Art installations or planning events for Kiwiburn‘23, this post is for you! In less than a month, the Events Guide will be drawn up. In the interest of reducing grey hairs amongst our printing team, we prefer if those...

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Baker Kneaded

Baker Kneaded

Pardon the pun, but we had to get your attention. The Kitchen is one volunteer short! The call is going out for someone who knows the difference between a muffin and a cupcake, and can ideally whisk eggs like a Level-Three Grandma or higher.  If you’re keen, you...

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MPW Still Needs a 2iC!

MPW Still Needs a 2iC!

Feel like you’ve read this article already? Got some Deja Vu happening? It’s not a glitch in the Matrix. We are still on the lookout for a talented and amazing human (or extremely well-trained animal) to take on this role! MPW is a crucial part of taking Kiwiburn from...

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Social Media Wrangler Wanted

Social Media Wrangler Wanted

Look, we know you spend more time scrolling social media than you’d care to admit. We’re not here to judge - we’re all guilty of it at some point. We’re simply here to let you know that you could put your scrolling time to better use and become a Social Media Wrangler...

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Seeking: Cultural Safety Co-Lead

Seeking: Cultural Safety Co-Lead

The Community team are searching for a Co-Lead for this exciting new role - a role that will make a significant difference in the experience of the participants at Kiwiburn. The ideal Cultural Safety Co-Lead is someone who is committed to making the Paddock a space...

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