Image note: Blasting, but not like that A new role has just been created - we are looking for a green-tinted innovative type who can put their mind to reducing Kiwiburn emissions by changing the way we get to the Burn. Your role is to think, inspire, develop,...
Latest News
Are you looking for the latest gossip, straight off the Kiwiburn press? Well look no further! Keep reading for the latest info, or use the archive and search below to find the relevant info.
You can also check our Facebook Page and Facebook Group, which contain official information from the organisation and discussions with the community respectively (though of course all official information will be released here and in our Weekly Digest too).
And if you have some news you’d like to share with the community, just contact the News Team.
Burning Man Ticket update
Trying to get to Burning Man? Ticket update from BM org is here: The 2022 Main Ticket Sale has ended! If you're still in search of your Golden Ticket, ne'er fear! Here are the additional upcoming opportunities to secure a ticket to BRC: Secure Ticket Exchange Program...
European Burners Activate to Support Ukraine
Kirsten Weisenburger writes: "It comes as no surprise that Burners have rolled up their sleeves to apply hard-won skills such as logistics, community organizing, and (yes) spreadsheeting to support Ukrainians in need. We had the opportunity to speak with five teams of...
Talk to God Virtual — AfrikaBurn — April 28-May 1
Remember Talk to God? God and their phonebooth visited Kiwiburn in 2021. This year, God (like all cool cats) is at AfrikaBurn, but answering calls worldwide. Where: Online When: Thursday, April 28 through Sunday, May 1 Talk to God! Call from anywhere! Open 24x7 for...
Cooling the Burn: Paying for our Emissions?
Kiwiburn is stepping up to take responsibility for the effect it’s having on the planet. This means reducing emissions wherever possible, but also taking ownership of (and removing) the emissions we can’t avoid… including those from past years. We want your input on...
ART* thou ready to volunteer in the Art Committee?
The Arts need you! Art volunteers look after art and artists, making sure the Burn is beautiful, engaging, surprising and awe-inspiring. The Arts committee is looking for new members. The following roles are open: ARTery Lead: The ARTery is the tent where all art...
Going to Burning Man?
The ticket sale came and went like a stack of magical hotcakes that come with a free jetpack - gone in seconds! If you are lucky enough to have a ticket, go you! ExCom is sending a delegation of its own, give us a shout out and connect or come find us at TinkleDrum,...
Afrika Burns Again
It’s been a while since we have looked at other Burns - cancellations abounded and travel was restricted. But it’s time to wake up and smell the burning wood - Burns are restarting like embers in a fire. The Clan (AfrikaBurn’s effigy) burns in 18 days, which means...
Tinkle tinkle little drum…
... we can't believe how far you've come! We have been talking and talking about Tinkle Drum, the awesome, sustainable, creative, participatory art work which is going to Burning Man with its Kiwi creators and a whole entourage of Kiwiburners. If you are curious and...
Kiwiburn’s approach to removing carbon
Should Kiwiburn be “carbon neutral”, and what does that mean*? When: Tuesday 12th April, 6-7pm Where: Virtual meeting on Google Meet. This year, the sustainability team are working hard to start reducing Kiwiburn’s greenhouse gas emissions in a serious way, but let’s...