Burning Man has taken a hiatus during Covid, but they are back in 2022, with many changes to the way things are run. Turnkey operations are disrupted, and coffee is no longer sold! Read all about it here. If you are hoping to head to BM2022, there is also a page for...
Latest News
Are you looking for the latest gossip, straight off the Kiwiburn press? Well look no further! Keep reading for the latest info, or use the archive and search below to find the relevant info.
You can also check our Facebook Page and Facebook Group, which contain official information from the organisation and discussions with the community respectively (though of course all official information will be released here and in our Weekly Digest too).
And if you have some news you’d like to share with the community, just contact the News Team.
Info on Ticket Refunds
You're all waiting to hear what is happening with tickets and here is an update: We will issue refunds on tickets purchased for Kiwiburn 2022, and we are working with Quicket to get this actioned early to mid in January, in line with our ticket purchase Terms and...
Hippy Holidays
Hey Burner fam! This summer might not have brought the present we all so dearly wanted, though we hope that in true Burner spirit you’re finding ways to bring the Burn into your lives however you can. Maybe that means building mini-Burns together and otherwise just...
Burning Man is devoted to acts of gift giving. The value of a gift is unconditional. Gifting does not contemplate a return or an exchange for something of equal value. Image Credit: Guillermo Flores
Introductory Burning Man Workshop
Radical Inclusion, Diversity and Equity (R.I.D.E.) Stress Test Learn with fellow artists, builders, makers, and event and camp leads from around the world about how to bring our communities into conversations to illuminate potential blindspots and help create even...
Online Chat with ExCom – Tonight!
Hey fam, don’t forget that Kiwiburn’s ExCom are hosting an online meeting tonight at 7:30 pm where you can ask whatever you want to ask about the Burn’s cancellation, refunds, and plans for replacement mini-Burns. The link for this meeting is:...
Assistance for your mini Burn
In the absence of a big-momma Kiwiburn in 2022, we know many of you eager beavers will be saving up sticks to build your own mini Burns so that you can keep the Paddock alive in a smaller, more intimate, less pandemically-dangerous way. And Kiwiburn’s ExCom are eager...
Kiwiburn Cancellation FAQs
For a full list of Kiwiburn’s FAQs, see here. These are a few specific questions that participants have been sending us since the 2022 Burn was cancelled: What is happening with refunds? This is being worked out as we speak! We’ll let you know when the refunds policy...
Kiwiburn 2022 TimeTravel: Cancelled
After much deliberation and following the government's traffic light announcement on Monday 29 November, on Tuesday evening ExCom decided with very heavy hearts to cancel Kiwiburn 2022. A coordinated communications effort has been underway to notify landowners,...
Open Evening with ExCom
There will be an open evening which anyone can join to ask ExCom questions around the cancellation, refunds and especially what should happen instead! We're keen to hear your creative minds coming together and to see how the Kiwiburn organisation can help. As stated,...