Latest News

Are you looking for the latest gossip, straight off the Kiwiburn press? Well look no further! Keep reading for the latest info, or use the archive and search below to find the relevant info.

You can also check our Facebook Page and Facebook Group, which contain official information from the organisation and discussions with the community respectively (though of course all official information will be released here and in our Weekly Digest too).

And if you have some news you’d like to share with the community, just contact the News Team. 

200 Additional Tickets to be Released!

200 Additional Tickets to be Released!

Photo credit: Mattia Luigi Nappi, via Wikimedia Commons Recently, we let you know that if existing ticket holders stepped up to fill all vacant volunteer roles, we would release more tickets. In total, 167 ticketed Burners raised their hand. We salute you! Crews are...

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In Memoriam

In Memoriam

It is with immense sadness that Kiwiburn acknowledges the tragic deaths at two music festivals over the New Year period in Aotearoa. A 29-year-old passed away at Hidden Valley in Matakana, followed by a 19-year-old festival at Rhythm and Vines near Gisborne.  Also at...

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Important Deadlines 

Important Deadlines 

Photo Credit: Bobert J. Rustafarian The end of year festivities have now flown by, so it’s time to get our Kiwiburn planning wrapped up and ready to go. Please note these important dates: Theme Camp Leads - 10 January Deadline Early entry emails for those camps that...

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Leave No Trace: What NOT to bring (and what to take away!)

Leave No Trace: What NOT to bring (and what to take away!)

January is here and the Principles are just lining up to be revisited. Our blogger, Navigator, sets her sights on how to leave the Paddock untouched, and the answer is: Don’t bring the MOOP, and if you do bring it, take the MOOP home again! MOOP is Matter Out Of Place...

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Happy Holidays Burner Fam!

Happy Holidays Burner Fam!

To all of the Burner community around the world, Kiwiburn wishes you a relaxing and fun festive holiday - whatever you’re celebrating - and a safe seeing-off to this shit-show of a year. Bring on 2021!  

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Rideshare Facebook Group KB2021

Rideshare Facebook Group KB2021

Image Credit: Peter Jennings, 2017 Got your ticket sorted for the Burn, but still not sure how you’re getting to the Paddock? Never fear, the Kiwiburn Rideshare 2021 group is here to help. In this group you can look for available rides with people already going to the...

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Remember Octopussy?

Remember Octopussy?

Zoe and Squishy Moon are furiously at work making Octopussy, your personal monument to vulvas everywhere. We caught up with them and asked about the project: The Octopussy is a large steel and fabric sculpture that is a celebration of vulvas, octopuses, and textile...

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Chat with Jo, the creator of Reality Glitch

Chat with Jo, the creator of Reality Glitch

Credit: "Magic Carpet, Afrikaburn 2016, photo by Chris Leggatt Artists are making art! As the end of January approaches, workshops, sheds, backyards and garages around Aotearoa are buzzing with activity. We bring you glimpses of art-in-progress, starting with Reality...

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