Do you have a great idea for Effigy or Temple for 2022? These amazing pieces over the years have surprised, stunned, and enchanted those that have attended Kiwiburn, and this is your chance to turn your thoughts into reality for us all to enjoy. The theme this year is...
Latest News
Are you looking for the latest gossip, straight off the Kiwiburn press? Well look no further! Keep reading for the latest info, or use the archive and search below to find the relevant info.
You can also check our Facebook Page and Facebook Group, which contain official information from the organisation and discussions with the community respectively (though of course all official information will be released here and in our Weekly Digest too).
And if you have some news you’d like to share with the community, just contact the News Team.
Community Facilitator wanted
We are still accepting applications for Community Facilitator for Kiwiburn. The Community Facilitator is part of ExCom and looks after all aspects of the Burn family, from Diversity & Inclusion through Consent to Regionals. This role ties us together and helps...
The Story of an Art Grant
Our own EFP writer Jo got an Art Grant last year, which helped her (financially and emotionally!) to make Reality Glitch, that bit of your grandma’s living room tucked away in a corner of the forest. She writes about her experience in our blog this week - if you are...
Brand New ExCom Role: Community Facilitator Needed
Kiwiburn’s Executive Committee (ExCom) have decided that it is time to establish a new Community Department within the organisation. This department will consist of various sub-committees: Diversity & Inclusion; Accessibility; Consent; Community Liaison; Regional...
Year Round Volunteer Roles
Help us round up year-round, well-rounded, all-round fabulous volunteers to make Kiwiburn go round. Don’t just stand around, fill in this form and join us at the round table (ExCom, do you have a round table? We need it for a bad pun!). Ok, before the word round...
Time is running out to make Time Travel Poster
We have an amazing theme, but what does our poster look like? Is it Sci Fi or SteamPunk? Pychedelic or metaphysical? Dr Who or Dr Emmett Brown? We can’t wait to see your take on our journey through time and space! Submit your design here! Entries sent from the future...
Art Grants are open until 15 August!
Got any weird and wonderful ideas brewing for Kiwiburn 2022? Now’s the time to get the gears turning. Art Grant applications are open until 15 August. Head to our website to apply now. Art: The Octopussy by Amanda Cleland and Zoe Deverick
More info on new Lottery-Based Ticketing
As per the announcement last week, Kiwiburn will be moving to a lottery-based ticketing system, alongside increasing reserve tickets for artists, crew and Theme Camps to 50%! This is both exciting and a little daunting, so to help everyone make sense of this, we have...
Last Call for Poster Submissions
Hey Burners, don’t forget to send us your submissions for the Kiwiburn 2022 poster - the theme of course is Time Travel, and submissions were gonna be due on 30 June (tomorrow!). However the deadline has been extended to 15 July to give you a little extra time to get...
Volunteers Needed
Hola Kiwiburners, have we got some juicy new volunteer roles ready for you to fill? Of course we do - it wouldn’t be an Electric Fencepost without some. First up - and we know you’ll find this one particularly tantalising after all the photography debates this year -...