The next Kiwiburn will be held inJanuary 2025
Exact dates to be confirmed
Stay tuned and we’ll see you on the Paddock!

Recent News

Events, Events, Events!

Events, Events, Events!

You’ve been planning the events you’ll contribute to Kiwiburn: Time Travel for almost two years. Now is the time to get ‘em registered! You’ve got until 5 January to get your events registered if you want them in the Event Guide. Don't have a place to host your event?...

Edit your Registrations

Edit your Registrations

You heard it here first. Editing is now available in the Portal, isn’t that nifty?  The following things can be edited by Burners after submission: Theme Camps Art Registrations Event Registrations Centre Camp Event Registrations All fields that were editable when the...

Guiding Principles: Leave No Trace and Decommodification

Guiding Principles: Leave No Trace and Decommodification

As a part of our ongoing 'Guiding Principles' series, this week we’re covering Leave No Trace (cunningly shortened to LNT) and Decommodification. There are about a billion things to love about Kiwiburn. But one of our favourites is its (excuse the ramshackle...

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