The next Kiwiburn will be held inJanuary 2025<br />
Exact dates to be confirmed<br />
Stay tuned and we’ll see you on the Paddock!

Recent News

VOLUNTEER VACANCIES: Sustainability Sleuth

VOLUNTEER VACANCIES: Sustainability Sleuth

Calling all data aficionados! We’re recruiting a brand spanking new volunteering crew for Kiwiburn 2023 (note: spanking not required). Kiwiburn’s Sustainability Team is always trying to find ways to reduce our environmental impact. An important part of that mahi is...

Kiwiburn AGM

Kiwiburn AGM

In the general spirit of better late than never, this year’s Annual General Meeting of Kiwiburn will be held TONIGHT at 8pm! Come along, ask your questions, contribute to this not-for-profit organisation in constructive ways and be part of the T.E.A.M.    This...

Happy non-denominational, end-of-year celebration, Human Beings!

Happy non-denominational, end-of-year celebration, Human Beings!

Whether you spin a dreidel, light the seven Kwanzaa candles, hang shiny things on a pine tree trapped in an artificial stasis bewtixt life and death, or are just glad to see the back end of 2022, we at Kiwiburn want to wish you and your peeps the happiest of...

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