Recent News
Make your voice heard, Burner!
The Kiwiburn 2021 Census is open now: This census helps us understand who we are, where we come from, and what we need to tweak for the next Burn. Was there something you really loved about the Mythic Picnic that you...
Missing Art Piece
Burner community, we need some help! A new artist brought along a magical piece to share with you all at Kiwiburn 2021. It is called Cybus Incaendo, and is a light box approximately 400mm by 400mm that emits hypnotic coloured lights from within. It stands on a post...
Behind the scenes: Meet Paul, your ExCom Arts Facilitator
Firstly, what does the Arts Facilitator role involve? Don't tell the rest of ExCom, but I think I have the best role! I am privileged to support teams looking after Artists, Art Grants, Theme Camps, Event Registrations, Burnable Art ... think Effigy & Temple ... I...