Recent News
Kiwiburn 2020 AGM This Wednesday at 8pm
Our Annual General Meeting will be held on 16 December @ 8:00 pm - 9:30 pm. It is free to attend as a Kiwiburn member (your membership fee is included in your ticket price). This will be a Zoom meeting, join us on...
How to get better at Inclusivity
We value the principle of Radical Inclusion, however what does this look like in practice? Our guest writer Ann K Addley ponders the challenges most Burns around the world face and how our wee New Zealand event can become a truly inclusive and diverse community. Check...
Pointy Finger Wants You!
As we count down to late January, Kiwiburn still desperately needs helpers to make sure it comes off without a hitch. Some of the roles detailed below and can’t do it without them. We’re less than two months away, so the time to claim your role is now! You can find...