Recent News
Virtual Temple Reminder
Photo credit: Andy Flint If you’re struggling with everything that 2020 has thrown at us and need somewhere to release that feeling, you can leave a message or other offering at Burning Man’s Virtual Temple. Offerings can be left up until August 29, and the Virtual...
Theme Camp Advance Ticket Information
Hi all you wonderful Theme Camp administrators, Did you recently receive an email asking you to fill in a survey about your theme camp plans? Did it mention advance ticket sales? It seems that one of our awesome volunteer bees got a little bit too buzzy too early,...
Save Kiwiburn!!!
With the way the world is going, Kiwiburn may well be the only Burn happening in the next year. No pressure! In order to ensure we can make it happen, we need more wonderful people to give their time and expertise to make this Burn work. It’s not a thing that those...