Recent News
Meet Geveta – Kiwiburn ExCom Secretary
In our behind-the-scenes series on who makes Kiwiburn happen, we have the pleasure to introduce you to Geveta, who does/runs/organises/helps with ExCom at Kiwiburn. A dedicated attendee of Kiwiburn since 2012, Geveta joined Kiwiburn’s ExCom in 2017 as Secretary...
Coming to the Burn? Create your Kiwiburner Profile Now!
Create or update your Kiwiburner Profile now! Dreaming of being back on the Paddock in 2020? Tickets will no doubt be coveted, rarer than hen’s teeth, and spun from gold, so to get your excited hands on them, you will need to be registered to purchase them. Everyone...
Art Grant application deadline is looming overhead
Kia ora Decathalonians, this is your friendly reminder to get your Art Grant applications in before 1 September. There are big ones (over $500.00), small ones (under $500.00), some as big as your head! Or an Innovation Grant ($800.00). Grants are assessed on the...