The next Kiwiburn will be held inJanuary 2025
Exact dates to be confirmed
Stay tuned and we’ll see you on the Paddock!

Recent News

What in the world? It’s the Regional Round-up!

Holy worldwide community Batman, take a look at what's happening where most of us aren’t! In South Africa: Check out AfrikaBurn 2018 in illustrations. And, the 2019 theme has been announced! It is Ephemeropolis and they are currently calling out for poster...

2018 Census

2018 Census

Who are we? What attracts us to Kiwiburn? What did you have to say? Find out more about our community in the Kiwiburn Census! Download and read the 2018 Census here.

Collective ritual

Collective ritual

Photo by John Curley. You can hear a pin drop at the Temple at Burning Man on Sunday night as thousands of people gather to see their written words, photos and tributes go up in flames. This year, many community members will be honouring Larry Harvey in their...

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