Recent News
Radical Regional Round Up
News from where we (probably) aren't... Diversity! Ten Principles! The culture chat continues; how do we apply this to our own country and community? Does it even apply? Read on! And make up your own damn mind. (PS: we hear there will be a whole series on these...
Tackling the Summit
Every year after the event Kiwiburn's volunteer executive committee, the ExCom, meet up over a weekend to debrief. With no event this year, the Summit agenda was all about planning for 2020, which is kinda important ‘cos Kiwiburn doesn't pop up in a paddock like...
Holy newsletter Batman! What is the EFP?
Kia ora koutou, This is a friendly reminder that you are probably reading the Electric Fencepost. Here are some (potentially) little known facts about your favourite weekly read, at least one is a lie: Electric Fencepost can shortened to the acronym 'EFP', it just...