Recent News
The Giant Weta found a home
Photo by: Pūkaha National Wildlife Centre/Sarah Watkins The 50:1 scale giant (previously flame throwing) weta sculpture has travelled far and wide, from Aotearoa to Black Rock Desert and back, to the Paddock, Corban's Estate and MOTAT in Auckland, and now to the...
Regional Round ’em up!
Kia ora koutou katoa (please excuse me, I lost my macrons...), hope you all enjoyed the long weekend. This is what is happening in the Burning world around us, starting with the Big Kahuna. Burning Man needs your input - if you've ever been to the Mother Burn, are...
Paddock Radio is Streaming Now!
Wanna listen to some cool Kiwi made tunes, maybe even your own sure-to-win a Grammy masterpiece? The folk(s) at Paddock Radio are streaming music live, and they are happy to showcase your own diddies to an increasing audience. The first successful stream was on Monday...