Art, Theme Camps and Event Registrations

Sep 23, 2019

Photo by Volker Huenert. Artwork by Andy Flint.

The elements which make Kiwiburn a Burn are the amazing Art projects, the vibes and tunes coming from Theme Camps and the multitude of hosted events! What would the Paddock be without wondrous light installations, interactive sound art or sculpture that resonates with your mood?; without Theme Camps which engage or inspire, offer a party space, or a quiet spot to reflect?; without the opportunity to learn about how marvelous the octopus is, or strut your stuff in drag? Well, it would be just a paddock with some tents on it.

We can’t wait to see what you talented folk come up with for KB2020, so get involved and organise, build or create! Register your Theme Camps, Art and events.

All three need to be registered in order to be considered and deadlines are coming up faster than you can say ‘three months till Christmas’.

  • Read what is involved with bringing a Theme Camp and how to register. Registration for Theme Camps ends 30 November.
  • If you’re after dazzling fellow Burners with Art, then read this and register your masterpiece here.
  • And if you’d like to Host an Event, then check this out and register it.

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