ART* thou ready to volunteer in the Art Committee?

ART* thou ready to volunteer in the Art Committee?

The Arts need you! Art volunteers look after art and artists, making sure the Burn is beautiful, engaging, surprising and awe-inspiring. The Arts committee is looking for new members. The following roles are open: ARTery Lead: The ARTery is the tent where all art...
Tinkle tinkle little drum…

Tinkle tinkle little drum…

… we can’t believe how far you’ve come! We have been talking and talking about Tinkle Drum, the awesome, sustainable, creative, participatory art work which is going to Burning Man with its Kiwi creators and a whole entourage of Kiwiburners. If you...
Tinkle tinkle little drum…

Meet Tinkle Drum!

In case you’re wondering what Kiwiburn ExCom is up to while we wait for KB2023 preparations to swing into action, meet our new adoptive child: Tinkle Drum. Tinkle Drum is the brainchild of Bibi and Josh, two Kiwi artists living in Amsterdam. They are creating a human...
Assistance for your mini Burn

Assistance for your mini Burn

In the absence of a big-momma Kiwiburn in 2022, we know many of you eager beavers will be saving up sticks to build your own mini Burns so that you can keep the Paddock alive in a smaller, more intimate, less pandemically-dangerous way. And Kiwiburn’s ExCom are eager...
How to bring your Mobile Art to the Paddock

How to bring your Mobile Art to the Paddock

Are you making Art That Moves? Whether it’s an Alien Spaceship or a Steampunk Hedgehog, if it moves, it must be registered, and to be registered it must meet a bunch of criteria. Read all about what needs to happen to make your magic steed gallop safely and awesomely...
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