Sadly, though probably wisely, Burning Man 2021 has been cancelled, making this a two year hiatus. We feel for the organisers who had to make this tough call – even as the weight of the pandemic is beginning to lift, the threat of transmission is real and a wild...
Kiwiburner Jax, who – as those of you who follow the Kiwiburn Facebook group will know – has been doing some anthropological work on Burner culture, recently won the postgraduate essay competition run by the academic journal Sites. Her article Kiwiburn...
Well, wasn’t Kiwiburn 2021 a hot little event to get a ticket for with so many people vying for them in the general sale. Having all tickets in baskets within 10 seconds certainly exceeded everyone’s wildest expectations. In fact, it was a little too wild, so...
Kiwiburn cannot function without participants who are keen to volunteer year-round in both leadership and support roles. Although the Paddock could fit more Burners than the number of tickets sold at past Burns, we simply don’t have enough volunteers to make this...
Question: What does a Burner do on a weekend off? Answer: Weekend? What’s one of them? And so it was that a bunch of us found our way to Hunterville this past Saturday to do some much needed tree planting on the Kiwiburn site. 10 hardy, spade swinging individuals got...