Participate = be part of something. Be a Volunteer.
Kiwiburn needs volunteers. We are purely volunteer based. Everything that happens, happens because someone gave of their time, heart, sweat and mind to make it happen. What does happen is a fabulous, ethereal bubble in space-time where the normal rules don’t hold and...
European Burners Activate to Support Ukraine
Kirsten Weisenburger writes: “It comes as no surprise that Burners have rolled up their sleeves to apply hard-won skills such as logistics, community organizing, and (yes) spreadsheeting to support Ukrainians in need. We had the opportunity to speak with five...
ART* thou ready to volunteer in the Art Committee?
The Arts need you! Art volunteers look after art and artists, making sure the Burn is beautiful, engaging, surprising and awe-inspiring. The Arts committee is looking for new members. The following roles are open: ARTery Lead: The ARTery is the tent where all art...