Much mini-burning! Any more?

Much mini-burning! Any more?

Turns out, when the country went Red, Burns went… on, for the most part, smaller, chiller, but maybe even better.  Our mini-burn organiser survey has seen some great responses – we have heard from Embers, Regen, Spyre and WaiHi Woohoo, Make.JamHack.Camp, Fuck...
Burner Camping in the Wairarapa

Burner Camping in the Wairarapa

Still not sure what to do with the Burn weekend? There is a plan afoot for a Camp Out in the the Wairarapa. Burner spirit, a lovely site, all the friendly faces – go forth and radically self express! The details:  Friday 28 January 3pm – Sunday 30 January...
I smell something Mini-Burning

I smell something Mini-Burning

We have dried our tears and sighed our sighs, and loved the support from the community for the hard decision to cancel Kiwiburn this year. Now, the end of January approaches and many Burners are Doing A Thing, because we’re resourceful like that! The events are small...


As the embers of Kiwiburn crackle and spit, a lone spark has traveled over land and sea, making its way to a new home deep in the heart of Te Waipounamu. A few dedicated souls have taken to fanning that spark into a flame and now in late January 2022, we’re inviting a...
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