The Community Department needs your input!

The Community Department needs your input!

The newly established Community Department was set up to support the humans of Kiwiburn to do community even better. So important, and so vague! It would be easy to colonise this space with our own assumptions about what should happen, or respond with ad hoc reactions...
Know Your Stuff gets funding

Know Your Stuff gets funding

The Government has recently announced that they will fund recreational drug testing at festivals and events, giving $800,000 to Know Your Stuff, a service that was first made legal in New Zealand as of December, 2020, Getting this funding will enable them to attend...
Bring Your ART, Bring Your EVENTS!!

Bring Your ART, Bring Your EVENTS!!

Registrations for events and art pieces are still alive and kicking, so if your creativity has been tickling you with some special piece you know the Paddock needs then don’t delay. The glow-in-the-dark shnazzledrum or the doodlebitsabob with electrical display and...
The Sustainability Team is Seeking Crew/Scrum Supporter 

The Sustainability Team is Seeking Crew/Scrum Supporter 

A new role is to be filled in the sustainability team: crew/scrum supporter. In a nutshell, this role revolves around making the sustainability leads’ work smoother, facilitate weekly catch-ups online, and prepare for the set-up of a physical space at the event....
Kiwiburn: Our Culture Explored

Kiwiburn: Our Culture Explored

Curious how Kiwiburn creates a sense of belonging and community to counteract the fragmentation of global society? Our lovely resident researcher, Jax Watt, has explored the culture and experience of Kiwiburners and written up their findings in an academic paper, now...
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