In Memoriam

In Memoriam

It is with immense sadness that Kiwiburn acknowledges the tragic deaths at two music festivals over the New Year period in Aotearoa. A 29-year-old passed away at Hidden Valley in Matakana, followed by a 19-year-old festival at Rhythm and Vines near Gisborne.  Also at...
Happy Holidays Burner Fam!

Happy Holidays Burner Fam!

To all of the Burner community around the world, Kiwiburn wishes you a relaxing and fun festive holiday – whatever you’re celebrating – and a safe seeing-off to this shit-show of a year. Bring on 2021!  
Rideshare Facebook Group KB2021

Rideshare Facebook Group KB2021

Image Credit: Peter Jennings, 2017 Got your ticket sorted for the Burn, but still not sure how you’re getting to the Paddock? Never fear, the Kiwiburn Rideshare 2021 group is here to help. In this group you can look for available rides with people already going to the...
Burning Man Adventures

Burning Man Adventures

Oh, 2020 — unpredictable dumpster fire — this year asked all of us Burners to call on our best selves and find new ways to cultivate community. In gratitude, Burning Man has concocted a dash of playa magic to spark your engine of perpetual possibilities. You’re going...
How to get better at Inclusivity

How to get better at Inclusivity

We value the principle of Radical Inclusion, however what does this look like in practice? Our guest writer Ann K Addley ponders the challenges most Burns around the world face and how our wee New Zealand event can become a truly inclusive and diverse community. Check...
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