Goodbye Kiwiburn 2021, Hello Kiwiburn 2021 Census
As we do every year, we again are keen to hear from all of you lovely people who attended Kiwiburn this year to learn more about who you are, where you come from and what, if anything, you or Kiwiburn can do better. Thought the music was all a bit too doof doof and...
Behind the scenes: Meet Paul, your ExCom Arts Facilitator
Firstly, what does the Arts Facilitator role involve? Don’t tell the rest of ExCom, but I think I have the best role! I am privileged to support teams looking after Artists, Art Grants, Theme Camps, Event Registrations, Burnable Art … think Effigy &...
Whoa, so that was a thing!
Kiwiburn 2021 has come and gone and wasn’t it spectacular? Of course, the experience of the Burn remains up to the individual, however in one completely unbiased and unprejudiced opinion, this was the best Kiwiburn yet! There was a lot going on and we can count...