So you’ve got a ticket, or hope to get one soon, and would like to be in the know for all things Kiwiburn 2020? Why, as well as the website, there’s a Facebook Group page for that. It’s where you can go to get up-to-date news or reminders, and...
If you’ve not yet heard of this amazing group, then let us introduce you to them: Burners without Borders (BWB) is a volunteer driven international organisation comprised of Burners who work with local communities to bring about meaningful change. They offer...
Imagine returning home from your local Burn, exhausted from having put all the hard graft in, and still buzzing from the amazing experience, only to find your home has been ransacked and burgled? Well, exactly that happened to Tanner Grove- Nty (Coco Poco Loco) Toni...
Circadian Migration, Melburn Decompression 2019 event is being held in November. Details here. Decompression is a thing. Read more from Halcyon here. An aerial view of build week at Burning Man 2019. The air and the playa here. Want to build the Temple at Burning Man...
Volunteers still needed! Have a look on the website for all open opportunities. They include roles on ExCom (the executive committee of people helping making the event happen), year round options and on-Paddock openings, all of which are important and all of which...