Micro Survey

Micro Survey

Are you a fan of giving feedback and/or filling in forms? If so, you’re in luck! While Burners aren’t exactly known for keeping things simple, we’re shaking things up and have put together the shortest survey that we could muster. Two simple questions await you, so...
Miniburn organiser survey

Miniburn organiser survey

Did you make a miniburn happen? You’re flipping awesome!  We would love to know how you got on – partly to understand how the community self-organised in the face of the big Burn cancellation, and partly to know what little Burns were out there and might...
Miniburn participant feedback

Miniburn participant feedback

So quite a few of you did gather in paddocks, fields and  barns around the country and kept the spirit (and maybe even a wee flame) of Burning events alive. Yay, go you! And many of you had a great time and will attend miniburns in the future, which is just awesome....
Open Evening with ExCom

Open Evening with ExCom

There will be an open evening which anyone can join to ask ExCom questions around the cancellation, refunds and especially what should happen instead! We’re keen to hear your creative minds coming together and to see how the Kiwiburn organisation can help. As...
New ticketing method – feedback needed!

New ticketing method – feedback needed!

As mentioned in the last newsletter, Kiwiburn 2022 tickets will be attached to dogs’ collars and distributed via a secret nation-wide treasure hunt! In the unlikely event that you have some small improvements to propose to this process, or that you want to give us...
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