We’re now 3 months into the year, time is flying by and Winter is on the way. The positive news is that we’re getting ever closer to the next Burn! While we wait, let’s catch up on what’s going on in the weird and wonderful world of Burns. Burning Man If you’re here,...
Thinking of putting together an Art installation for Kiwiburn 24? Need some inspiration? Or perhaps you’re just sick of looking at on-ramps and brake lights this week and want to look at some great Art. Then have a snoop at some of the other amazing Art submissions...
Fuego Austral: in 2016, Fuego Austral was the first official Burning Man regional event in Latin America. Next year, this Argentinian regional will take place in a field about 400km south of Buenos Aires, from 17-21 February 2023. General sale tickets kick off on 16...
Burn2: Virtual Week of Waking Dreams – Burn2 is a virtual Burn that runs from 7-16 October (PDT). It’s a pretty awesome official Burning Man Regional and an extension of the Burning Man culture and community. Burn2 follows the theme of Waking Dreams on the...
AfrikaBurn – Has released this amazing video covering how their Burn, The Elastic Kraal, went this year. They’ve squeezed so much into five minutes, we absolutely must recommend you check it out while waiting for your tea to steep. They have also kicked off all...