Burning to help?

Burning to help?

Was it magic? Did it blow your mind? Did you think “I want to help?” or “I wanna be one of those cool kids with the radios?” Are the cockles of your heart still burning with an urge to participate? We are looking for year-round volunteers to help make Kiwiburn happen...
Come and Meet your ExCom members

Come and Meet your ExCom members

Wanna know more about what it takes to make Kiwiburn happen from an executive committee and camp facilitators point of view? Here is your chance to come and meet those who do these roles year-round. Get your questions answered and find out what it is involved. Who...
200 Additional Tickets to be Released!

200 Additional Tickets to be Released!

Photo credit: Mattia Luigi Nappi, via Wikimedia Commons Recently, we let you know that if existing ticket holders stepped up to fill all vacant volunteer roles, we would release more tickets. In total, 167 ticketed Burners raised their hand. We salute you! Crews are...
Remember Octopussy?

Remember Octopussy?

Zoe and Squishy Moon are furiously at work making Octopussy, your personal monument to vulvas everywhere. We caught up with them and asked about the project: The Octopussy is a large steel and fabric sculpture that is a celebration of vulvas, octopuses, and textile...
Kiwiburn will release more tickets…

Kiwiburn will release more tickets…

…if ticket holders step up and volunteer! Yup, that’s right. Kiwiburn is looking to release 500 additional tickets, if enough roles are filled by 22 December. So step right up and take a number: Crew Support: Crew Support is the strong, supportive glue...
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